Clymene Amaltheia Amfitrita Nemesis Metis Tyche[2] Philyra Aethra[*][[Aethra (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Pleione Eurynome[*][[Eurynome (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Asia[*][[Asia (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Chryseis[*][[Chryseis (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Peitho Rhodos[*][[Rhodos (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Plouto[*][[Plouto (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Hesione[*][[Hesione (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Doris[*][[Doris (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Clytie Callirhoe[*][[Callirhoe (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Enipeus[*][[Enipeus (Greek river god)|]] Telesto[*][[Telesto (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Eidyia Periboea[*][[Periboea (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Acaste[*][[Acaste (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Bolbe[*][[Bolbe (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Ceto[*][[Ceto (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Zeuxo[*][[Zeuxo (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Admete[*][[Admete (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Calypso Styx Lysithea[*][[Lysithea (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Nereus Achelous[3] Nilus (mitologie) Inachus[*][[Inachus (river deity and king of the Argolid)|]] Alpheus[4][5][6] Scamander[*][[Scamander (water deity)|]] Sangarius[*][[Sangarius (Phrygian river-god of Greek mythology, son of Oceanus and Tethys)|]] Peneus Cebren[*][[Cebren (water deity)|]] Meander[*][[Meander (Greek god of the Meander river in Caria)|]] Simoeis[*][[Simoeis (god of the Simoeis river, Troad)|]] Spercheus[*][[Spercheus (river deity)|]] Strymon[*][[Strymon (river god of Greek antiquity)|]] Asterion[*][[Asterion (river-god of Argos)|]] Axius[*][[Axius (Greek river-god)|]] Ladon[*][[Ladon (river god of southern Greece)|]] Diona Ianthe[*][[Ianthe (one of the Oceanids, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys)|]] Argeia[*][[Argeia (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Electra[7] Crinisus[*][[Crinisus (river god)|]] Eridanos[*][[Eridanos (river mentioned in Greek mythology)|]] Asopus Aeas[*][[Aeas (river god in Greek mythology)|]] Ardescus[*][[Ardescus |]] Aegaeus[*][[Aegaeus (river god in Greek mythology)|]] Aesar[*][[Aesar |]] Aesepus[*][[Aesepus (river god in Greek mythology)|]] Evenus[*][[Evenus (king in Greek mythology)|]] Capheira[*][[Capheira (Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Istrus[*][[Istrus (god and personification of river Ister)|]] Asterope[*][[Asterope |]] Europa[*][[Europa (daughter of Okeanos and Tethys in Greek mythology)|]] Caicus[*][[Caicus (personification and god of the same name river (today Bakırçay) in ancient Mysia)|]] Daeira[*][[Daeira (Oceanid, mother of Eleusis by Hermes)|]] Caanthus[*][[Caanthus (character from Greek mythology)|]] Zeuxippe[*][[Zeuxippe (Ocean's daughter in Greek mythology)|]] Oceanidele Potamoi[*][[Potamoi (river-gods in Greek mythology)|]] Termessus[*][[Termessus (Greek river deity of the Termessos stream in Boeotia)|]] Symaithos[*][[Symaithos |]] Phyllis[*][[Phyllis (river-god in Greek mythology, of a river of Bithynia)|]] Kydnos[*][[Kydnos (river and personificated god of the river in ancient cilicia)|]] Cladeus[*][[Cladeus (river god at Olympia)|]] Chremetes[*][[Chremetes |]] Clitumnus[*][[Clitumnus (Roman river deity)|]] Cephissus[*][[Cephissus (river god in Boeotia)|]] Cephissus[*][[Cephissus (river god in Argolis (Greece))|]] Cephissus[*][[Cephissus (river god of Attica)|]] Caystrus[*][[Caystrus (river god of Asia Minor)|]] Ismenus[*][[Ismenus (river god of ancient Greece)|]] Hermus[*][[Hermus (mythical character)|]] Hydaspes[*][[Hydaspes (Greek mythological god of an Indian river with a swift stream)|]] Hebrus[*][[Hebrus (Greek river god)|]] Haliacmon[*][[Haliacmon (river god of ancient Greece)|]] Granicus[*][[Granicus (Greek river god)|]] Borysthenes[*][[Borysthenes (ancient Greek river and river god)|]] Baphyras[*][[Baphyras (Greek river god)|]] Brychon[*][[Brychon |]] Elisson[*][[Elisson (river god of ancient Greece)|]] Erasinos[*][[Erasinos (Greek mythologcal character)|]] Ascanius[*][[Ascanius (Greek river god)|]] Apidanus[*][[Apidanus |]] Anaurus[*][[Anaurus |]] Anigrus[*][[Anigrus (river god of ancient Greece)|]] Anapos[*][[Anapos (water deity)|]] Amnisus[*][[Amnisus (river god of the Amnisos river, Crete)|]] Phasis[*][[Phasis |]] Ocyrhoe[*][[Ocyrhoe (Oceanid, Phasis’ mother)|]] Almo[*][[Almo (Ancient Roman river god)|]] Galaxaura[*][[Galaxaura (Oceanid in Greek mythology)|]] Hippo[*][[Hippo (Oceanid)|]] Asterodeia[*][[Asterodeia (nymph, mother of Apsyrtus with Aeetes)|]] Beroe[*][[Beroe (Nereid or Oceanid of Greek mythology)|]] Klytia[*][[Klytia (Oceanid in Greek mythology)|]] Coryphe[*][[Coryphe (Oceanid in Greek mythology)|]] Dodone[*][[Dodone (Greek nymph)|]] Ephyra[*][[Ephyra (Nereid of Greek mythology)|]] Evagore[*][[Evagore (daughter of Oceanus in Greek mythology)|]] Eudore[*][[Eudore (Oceanid in Greek mythology)|]] Evenus[*][[Evenus (ancient Greek character, son of Okeanos and Tethys)|]] Euphrates[*][[Euphrates (river god of the Euphrates river)|]] Ganges[*][[Ganges |]] Pactolus[*][[Pactolus (river deity)|]] Cerceis[*][[Cerceis (One of the Oceanids)|]] Amphiro[*][[Amphiro (One of the Oceanids)|]] Plexaure[*][[Plexaure (one of the Oceanids)|]] Thrace[*][[Thrace (daughter of Oceanus in Greek mythology)|]] Pasithoe[*][[Pasithoe (One of the Oceanids)|]] Thoe[*][[Thoe (One of the Oceanids)|]] Ianire[*][[Ianire (One of the Oceanids)|]] Argie[*][[Argie (One of the Oceanids)|]] Xanthe[*][[Xanthe (One of the Oceanids)|]] Menestho[*][[Menestho (One of the Oceanids)|]] Melobosis[*][[Melobosis (One of the Oceanids)|]]
Thetys este, în mitologia greacă, zeița apelor și mama principalelor fluvii cunoscute de greci. Părinții săi sunt Gaia și Uranus. Soțul ei este Oceanus. Ei sunt părinții a trei mii de oceanide (nimfe) care simbolizează toate apele de pe pământ. Mai este numită și zeița titanidă.