Verwaltungskreis Thun[*][[Verwaltungskreis Thun (administrative district of the canton of Bern, Switzerland (Verwaltungskreis))|]]
Lerchenfeld[*][[Lerchenfeld (district of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Gwatt[*][[Gwatt (district of the city of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Hohmad[*][[Hohmad (neighborhood in Bern, Switzerland)|]] Neufeld[*][[Neufeld (district of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Dürrenast[*][[Dürrenast (city district of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Allmendingen bei Thun[*][[Allmendingen bei Thun (part of Thun, Canton of Bern)|]] Bälliz-Freienhofgasse[*][[Bälliz-Freienhofgasse (city district of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Buchholz[*][[Buchholz (city district of Thun in the canton of Bern, Switzerland)|]] Aarefeld[*][[Aarefeld (neighborhood of the city of Thun)|]] Schoren[*][[Schoren (neighborhood)|]] Goldiwil[*][[Goldiwil |]]
- Primar
Raphael Lanz[*][[Raphael Lanz (politician elvețian)|]][1] (Schweizerische Volkspartei[*][[Schweizerische Volkspartei (political party in Switzerland (SVP/UDC))|]], )
Se află acolo unde râul Aare curge din Lacul Thun (Thunersee), la 19 km sud de Berna.
Economia Thunului se bazează pe turism, industria alimentară și tipografică, și construcția de mașini. Aici se află și cea mai mare garnizoană din țară.