Aalborg Municipality is a municipality (Dens, kommune) in the North Denmark Region on the Jutland peninsulae in northren Denmark.[1] The municipality straddles the Limfjord, the waterwa which connects the North Sea an the Kattegat east-tae-wast, an which separates the main body o the Jutland peninsula frae the island o Vendsyssel-Thy north-tae-sooth. It haes a land aurie o 1,143.99 km², population 197,426 (2010)[2] and belongs to Region Nordjylland ("North Jutland Region").
It is an aa the name o the municipality's main ceety Aalborg an the site o its municipal cooncil, as well as the name o a seaport.
The municipality an the ceety hae chosen tae retain the traditional spellin o the name as Aalborg, although the new spellin Ålborg is uised in ither contexts, such as Ålborg Bight (Ålborg Bugt), the body o water which lies tae the east o the Jutland peninsula.