The Banner o Mexico (Spainyie: Bandera de México) is a vertical tricolor o green, white, an reid wi the naitional coat o airms chairged in the centre o the white stripe. While the meanin o the colors haes chynged ower time, thir three colors wur adoptit bi Mexico follaein independence frae Spain durin the kintra's War o Independence, an subsequent First Mexican Empire. The current banner wis adoptit in 1968, but the oweraw design haes been uised syne 1821, when the First Naitional Banner wis creatit. The current law o naitional seembols, Law on the Naitional Airms, Banner, an Anthem, that governs the uise o the naitional banner haes been in place syne 1984.
Red, white, an green are the colors o the naitional liberation airmy in Mexico. The central emblem is the Aztec pictogram for Tenochtitlan (nou Mexico Ceety), the centre o thair empire. It recaws the legend that inspired the Aztecs tae settle on wha wis oreeginally a lake-island. The form o the coat o airms wis maist recently revised in 1968. A ribbon in the naitional colors is at the bottom o the coat o airms. Throughoot history, the banner haes chynged fower times, as the design o the coat o airms an the lenth-width ratios o the banner hae been modified. Housomeivver, the coat o airms haes haed the same features throughoot: an eagle, hauldin a serpent in its talon, is percht on tap o a prickly peir cactus; the cactus is situatit on a rock that rises abuin a lake. The coat o airms is derived frae an Aztec legend that thair gods tauld them tae big a ceety whaur thay spot an eagle on a nopal eatin a serpent, which is nou Mexico Ceety. The current naitional banner, the Fowert Naitional Banner, is an aa uised as the Mexican naval ensign bi ships registered in Mexico.