Chemistrie (frae Greek: χημεία) is the scienteefic discipline o matter [1] an its interactions wi energie an wi itsel. Acause o the diversitie o maiter, that is maistlins in the form o atoms, chemists aften studies the wey atoms o differin chemical elements interacts ti mak molecules an the wey molecules interacts wi ilk ither.[2]
Chemistry is whiles cawed ''the central science'' acause it bridges ither Naitural sciences like Pheesics, Geology and Biology.[1]
The current model o atomic structur is the quantum mechanical model. Tradeetional chemistrie sterts wi the study o elementary pairticles, atoms, molecules, substances, metals, creestals and ither aggregates o matter. Matter mey be studied in solid, liquid, gas an plasma states, in isolation or in combination. The interactions, reactions an transformations whit are studied in chemistrie are uisually the eftercast o interactions atween atoms, leading tae rearrangements o the chemical baunds whit haud atoms thegether. Sic behaviors are studied in a chemistrie laboratory.[3]
The chemistrie laboratory uisually uises sindry forms o laboratory glessware. Housomiver glessware is nae central tae chemistrie, and mony experimental (and applee'd/industrial chemistrie is daen withoot it).
A chemical reaction is a transformation o some substances intae yin or mair different substances. The basis o sic a chemical transformation is the rearrangement o electrons in the chemical baunds atween atoms. It can be seembolically shawn throu a chemical equation, whit uisually involves atoms as subjects. The nummer o atoms oan the left and the richt i' the equation for a chemical transformation is equal. (Whan the nummer o atoms on either side is unequal, the transformation is cawed a nuclear reaction or radioactive decay). The type o chemical reactions a substance micht undergo and the energie chynges whit micht follae it are constreenit bi certaint basic rules, kent as chemical laws.[4]
Energie and entropy conseederations are invariably important in maistlins chemical studies. Chemical substances are clessifeed in terms o thair structur, phase, and thair chemical composeetions. Thay can be analyzed uising the tuils o chemical analysis, e.g. spectroscopy and chromatography.
Scientists engagin in chemical research are kent as chemists. Maist chemists specialize in yin or mair sub-discipleens. [5]
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