A cooncil area in Scotland is an area made fur local govrenment. Thare is a o 32 cooncil areas in Scotland as a hale. Thay are aw govrened bi unitary authorities cawed "cooncils". The cooncil areas war creutit on 1 April 1996, unner the provisions o the Local Govrenment etc. (Scotland) Act 1994. The Act caws thaim local authority areas but maist fowk caw thaim cooncil areas.
The cooncil areas hiv the option tae be kent as a comhairle whan choosin tae hiv a Gaelic name. Hounaiver, juist Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar (Cooncil o the Wastern Isles) haes chysen this option, while the Heichland Cooncil (Comhairle na Gaidhealtachd) uises baith an Inglis an a Gaelic name.[1]