Bolivie is dividit intae nine depairtments (Spaingie: departamentos). Ilka ane o the depairtments is subdividit intae provinces (provincias), which are further subdividit intae municipalities (municipios).
Depairtments are govrened bi the electit govrenors (till 2010, prefects; an till 2005, appointit bi the Preses) an bi independently electit Depairtmental Legislative Assemblies (till 2010; Depairtmental Cooncils).
Bolivia's nine depairtments receivit greater autonomy unner the Admeenistrative Decentralization law o 1995. Depairtmental autonomy further increased wi the first popular elections for depairtmental govrenors, kent as prefects, on 18 December 2005. Fower depairtments (Santa Cruz, Beni, Pando an Tarija) votit for greater autonomy in 2005, an athoot constitutional authorization, passed statutes o autonomy in 2008.[1] The remainin five depairtments appruivit depairtmental autonomy in the general elections o 2009.