Europe is geologically an geographically a hauf-island, takkin up the wastrenmaist pairt o Eurasie. It is for ordinar conseedert a continent, that, in this case, is mair a cultural nor a geographic differ. It is bund in the north bi the Airctic Ocean, in the wast bi the Atlantic Ocean, in the sooth bi the Mediterrane Sea an the Black Sea, an in the east bi the Ural Moontains an the Caspian Sea.
Gin conseedert a continent, Europe is the secont-smaaest continent in the warld bi area, wi an area o 10,523,000 km²[1] (4,140,625 square mile), sicwice it is mair muckle nor anly Australie. In population it is the thrid-lairgest continent efter Asie an Africae. The population o Europe is aboot 705,500,000: aboot 11% o the warld's population.