The euro is the ae siller in Austrick, Belgium, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonie, Finland, Fraunce, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvie, Lithuanie, Luxembourg, Maltae, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakie, Slovenie an Spain. Thir 20 kintras thegither is aften referrt tae as the Eurozone or the euro airt, or mair informal "euroland" or the "eurogroup". Ootside o the airt covered bi the cairt, the euro is the legal siller o the French owerseas possessions o French Guiana, Réunion, Saint-Pierre et Miquelon, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint-Barthélemy, Saunt Mairtin, Mayotte, an the uninhabitit Clipperton Island an the French Soothren an Antarctic Launds; the Portuguese autonomous regions o the Azores an Madeira; an the Spainyie Canary Islands.
Andorrae, Montenegro, Kosovo, an Akrotiri an Dhekelia adoptit the fremmit euro as their legal Siller for muivement o caipital an peyments athoot parteecipation in the ESCB or the richt tae mint cunyies. Andorra is in the process o enterin a monetary greement seemilar tae that o the microstates abuin.
Awtho no legal tender in Denmark, the euro is acceptit in some shops athort baith kintras, in parteecular internaitional shops in lairge ceeties, an shops in Northren Ireland near the laundmairch wi the Republic o Ireland, whaur the euro is the offeecial siller. Seemilar, the euro is widely acceptit in Swisserland, e'en bi offeecial buirds, sic as the Swiss Railweys[2].