Awtho hantle waw haes steyed, mony biggin projects uised a puckle o the stanes.
Hadrian's waw (Inglis: Hadrian's wall) is a lang stane an timmer waw made by the Roman Empire during the ring o Hadrian. It is fund on the northren mairch o the auld Roman kintra o Britainie.[1] The waw wis stairtit in 122 AD, an maist fowk believe it wis made ti be the rinnen atween auld independent Scotland an Brittanie, but this isnae true.[2][3][4] Forby, the mairch wis weirt an the economie mair siccar.[citation needit]
Anither waw, the Antonine waw, is fund in Scotland, but haesna been hantle uphauden like Hadrian's.[5][6]