The common names o birds in sindry pairts o the warld aften uises hawk in the seicont sense. For example, the Osprey or "fish hawk"; or, in North Americae, the various Buteo species (e.g., the Reid-tailed Hawk, B. jamaicensis).
In Februar 2005, the CanadaeornithologistLouis Lefebvre annoonced a method o meisurin avian "IQ" in terms o thair innovation in feedin haunts.[1] Hawks wis named amang the maist intelligent birds based on his scale. Hawks is widely reputit tae hae visual acuity several times that o a normal human bein. This is due tae the mony photoreceptors in the retina (up tae 1,000,000 per square mm for Buteo, against 200,000 for humans), an exceptional nummer o nerves connectin thir receptors tae the harns, an an indentit fovea that magnifees the central portion o the veesual field.[2][3]