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Beastie | |
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Clockwise frae tap left: dance flee (Empis livida), lang-nebbed weevil (Rhinotia hemistictus), mole cheeper (Gryllotalpa brachyptera), German wasp (Vespula germanica), emperor guim moch (Opodiphthera eucalypti), assassin bug (Harpactorinae) | |
A chorus of several Magicicada species | |
Scientific classification ![]() | |
Kinrick: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Arthropoda |
Clade: | Pancrustacea |
Subphylum: | Hexapoda |
Cless: | Insecta Linnaeus, 1758 |
Subgroups | |
Beasties is a cless (Insecta) o hexapod invertebrates within the arthropod phylum that haes a chitinous exoskeleton, a three-pairt bouk (heid, thorax an abdomen), three pairs o jyntit legs, compoond een an ae pair o antennae. Thay are the maist diverse group o beasts on the planet, includin mair nor a million descrived species an representin mair nor hauf o aw kent leevin organisms.[2][3] The nummer o leevin species is thocht tae be atween sax an ten million,[2][4][5] an potentially maks up ower 90% o the differin ainimal life forms on Yird.[6] Beasties can be fund in nearhaund aw environs, awtho anerly a smaw nummer o species bides in the oceans, a habitat dominatit bi anither arthropod group, crustaceans.
The life cycles o beasties varies but maist o thaim hatches frae eggs. Beastie growthe is hauden in bi the inelastic exoskeleton an development involves a series o mouts. The immatur stages can differ frae the adults in structur, haibit an habitat, an can include a passive pupal stage in thae groups that unnergaes 4-stage metamorphosis (see holometabolism). Beasties that unnergaes 3-stage metamorphosis is wantin a pupal stage an adults develops throu a series o nymphal stages.[7] The heicher level relationship o the Hexapoda is unclear. Muckle fossilised beasties haes been fund frae the Paleozoic Era, includin giant draigonflees wi weengspans o 55 tae 70 cm (22–28 in). The maist diverse beastie groups appears tae hae coevolved wi flouerin plants.
Adult beasties for ordinar muves aboot bi walkin, fleein or whiles soummin larval adaptations that include sgills, an some adult beasties is aquatic an haes adaptations for soummin. Some species, siclike as watter striders, can walk on the surface o watter. Beasties is maistly solitar, but some beasties, siclike as some bees, eemocks an termites, is social an bides in muckle, weel-organised colonies. Some Beasties, siclike as earwigs, shaws maternal care, gairdin thair eggs an weans. Beasties can communicate wi ither in a wheen o weys. Male mochs can sense the pheromones o female mochs ower great distances. Ither species communicates wi soonds: cheepers stridulate, or wi rubbin thair weengs thegither, tae attract a mate an repel ither males. Lampyridae in the clock order communicates wi licht.
. As it allous for quick yet stable muvement, a wheen o beasties adopts a tripedal gait whaur thay walk wi thair legs titchin the grund in alternatin triangles. Beasties is the anely invertebrates tae hae evolved flicht. A lot o beasties spends at least pairt o thair lifes unner watter, wiHumans thinks on some beasties as pests, an ettles at controllin thaim uisin insecticides an a wheen o ither techniques. Some beasties skaithes craps bi feedin on sap, leafs or fruits. A twa-three parasitic species is pathogenic. Some beasties dis complex ecological roles; blaw-flees, for ensaumple, helps consume carrion but spreids diseases and aa. Beastie pollinators is necessar tae the life cycle o a lot o flouerin plant species that maist leevin beins, includin humans, is at least pairtly dependent on; withoot thaim, the terrestrial portion o the biosphere (includin humans) wad be devastatit.[8] A wheen ither beasties is thocht tae be ecologically benefeecial as predators an a twa-three ither anes provides direct economic benefit. Soiewirms an bees haes been uised a lot bi humans for the production o soie an hinnie, respectively. In some culturs, fowk eats the larvae or adults o parteecular beasties.