Sir Isaac Newton (25 December 1642 – 20 Mairch 1727 bi the Julian calendar in uiss in Ingland at the time; or 4 Januar 1643 – 31 Mairch 1727 bi the Gregorian calendar) wis an Inglish pheesicist, mathematician, astronomer, philosopher an alchemist that wrate the Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica. In it he descrieved universal gravitation an, throu his laws o motion, laid the foonds for classical mechanics. Newton wis the man that developed the differential calculus an aw daein sae thirty year afore Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz that aften shares wis the first tae mak a set o mathematical laws that coud predeect baith ordinar motion an celestial motion. He is associate wi the scientific revolution an the forder o heliocentrism. Newton is creeditit forby wi providin mathematical substantiation for Kepler's laws o planetary motion. He wad rax thir laws bi shawin that orbits (sic as the orbits o comets) wisna juist elliptic, but coud be hyperbolic an parabolic an aw. He is kenspeckle for his arguments that licht wis componed o particles an aw. He wis the first tae feegur that the spectrum o colour seen whan white licht passes throu a prism is inherent in the white licht an no eikit bi the prism as Roger Bacon haed thocht in the 13t century.
Forby thon Newton developed a law o cuilin, descrievin the rate o cuilin for objects whan exposed ti the air; the hale binomial theorem; an the preenciples o conservation o momentum an angular momentum. Finally, he studied the speed o soond in air, an spak aboot a theory on the oreegin o starns.