
Kintyre hielicht'd reid
The Licht-houss at the Mull o Kintyre

Kintyre (Scots Gaelic: Cinn Tìre, meaning heid o the laund) is a hauf-iland in wastren Scotland, in the soothwast o Argyll an Bute. The hauf-iland stents aboot 30 mile (48 km) frae Aest Loch Tarbert in the north til the Mull o Kintyre in the sooth. The region til the north north o Kintyre is kent as Knapdale.

Kintyre is lang an nairrae, at no pynt mair nor 11 mile (18 km) frae wast coast til aest coast. Af til the aest o Kintyre is the Firth o Clyde an Isle o Arran. Kintyre is sindert frae Arran bi the Kilbrannan Soond. Af til the wast ligs the ilands o Gigha, Islay an Raucherie. The coast o Ireland (Coonty Antrim) is anerlie aboot 12 mile (20 km) frae the Mull o Kintyre an can be seen on cleir days. This is the cuttiest range atwein Ireland an Gret Breetain.

The middil 'backbane' o Kintyre is maistlins hill-run muirlaund. The coastal auries, houaniver, ar rich an growthie. Kintyre haes lang been a prized aurie for sattilers, includin Scots wha flittit frae Ulster til wastren Scotland an the Vikings or Norsemen wha owerhailt an sattil'd the hauf-iland juist afore the stairt o the seicont millennium. Frae the 6t centurie til the 9t centurie the hauf-iland wis pairt o the Gaelic owerkingrik o Dál Riata an eftir that it becam pairt o the Norse Kingrik o Mann an the Isles.

The main town on Kintyre is Campbeltoun (aboot 5½ mile bi road frae the Mull), whilk haes been a ryal burgh sin the mid-18t centurie. Kintyre's economie haes lang lippent on fishin an fermin, awtho Campbeltoun haes a reputation as a makker o sum o the warld's fynest singil maut whiskie.

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