This is a leet o the maist populous ceeties in the warld defined accordin tae a concept o ceety proper (an urban locality wioot its suburbs). A ceety proper is a locality defined accordin tae legal or poleetical boundaries an an admeenistratively recognised urban status that is uisually characterized bi some fairm o local govrenment.[1][2][3]
"Warld Urbanization Prospects", a Unitit Naitions publication, defines the population o a ceety proper as "the population livin within the admeenistrative boundaries o a ceety."[4] The beuk continues tae say that "ceety proper as defined bi admeenistrative boundaries mey nae include suburban auries whur an important proportion o the population wirkin or studyin in the ceety lives."
The term ceety can tak on mony meanins in different pairts o the warld. For the purposes o this leet, the definition o a ceety as a primarily urban locality is uised. This leet enumerates the populations o some o the warld's lairgest ceeties, the boundaries o which mey or mey nae correspond tae those o municipalities. The populations leetit are for the admeenistratively defined ceety an nae for the urban aurie nor the metropolitan aurie. Statistical definitions for each ceety, approximate surface aurie, an population density are an aa indicatit.