^ The offeecial motto is in French. The leeteral translation intae Scots is "I will maintain"; a better translation, houever, is "I will hauld firm" or "I will uphauld" (namely, the integrity an unthirldom o the territory).[oreeginal research?]
^ While Amsterdam is the constitutional caipital, The Hague is the seat o the govrenment.
^ CET an CEST are uised in the European Netherlands, an AST is uised in the Caribbean Netherlands.
^ 599 wis the kintra code designatit for the nou dissolved Netherlands Antilles. The Caribbean Netherlands still uise 599–7 (Bonaire), 599–3 (Sint Eustatius) an 599–4 (Saba).
^.nl is the common internet tap level domain name for the Netherlands. The .eu domain is an aa used, as it is shared wi ither European Union member states. .bq is designatit, but nae in uise, for the Caribbean Netherlands.
Warning: Page uisin Template:Infobox kintra wi unkent parameter "country_code" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: Page uisin Template:Infobox kintra wi unkent parameter "area_magnitude" (this message is shown only in preview).
The Netherlands (Dutch: Nederland) is pairt o the Kinrick o the Netherlands (Dutch: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden) alang wi the Aruba, Curaçao, an Sint Martin. It is locate in North-Wastren Europe an is laund mairched wi Germany an Belgium. It haes a coast line alang the German Ocean.
It haes gien alot o important penters an airtists throu-oot history, for ensaumple: