Pop muisic | |
Stylistic oreegins | |
Cultural oreegins | 1950s, Unitit Kinrick an Unitit States |
Teepical instruments |
Subgenres | |
Fusion genres | |
Regional scenes | |
Pop muisic (a term that oreeginally derives frae an abbreviation o "popular") is a genre o popular muisic that oreeginatit in its modren form in the 1950s, derivin frae rock an roll.[1] The terms popular muisic an pop muisic is aften uised interchyngeably, tho the first o thaim is a description o muisic that is popular (an can include ony style).[1]
As a genre, pop muisic is vera eclectic, aften borraein elements frae ither styles includin urban, dance, rock, Laitin an kintra;[1] naetheless, thare core elements that define pop. Sic elements include generally short-tae-middlin lenth sangs, written in a basic format (aften the verse-chorus structur), as well as the common employment o repeatit choruses, melodic tunes, an catchy heuks.[1]
"pur pop" muisic, like pouer pop, featurs aw o thir elements, uisin electric guitars, drums an bass for instrumentation;[1] in the case o sic muisic, the main goal is uisually that o bein pleasurable tae listen tae, rather than haein hintle airtistic depth.[1] Pop muisic is generally thocht o as a genre that is commercially recordit an desires tae hae a mass audience appeal.[1]