Warning: unknown parameter "electron configuration" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "heat fusion pressure" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "oxidation states" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "melting point pressure" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "1st ionization energy" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "series comment" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "atomic mass" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "atomic mass 2" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "heat vaporization pressur..." (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "boiling point pressure" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "3rd ionization energy" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "heat capacity pressure" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "category" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "2nd ionization energy" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "atomic mass comment" (this message is shown only in preview).
Warning: unknown parameter "oxidation states comment" (this message is shown only in preview).
Radon is a chemical element wi seembol Rn an atomic nummer 86. It is a radioactive, colourless, odorless, tasteless[2]noble gas, occurrin naiturally as an indirect decay product o uranium or thorium. Its maist stable isotope, 222Rn, haes a hauf-life o 3.8 days. Radon is ane o the densest substances that remains a gas unner normal condeetions. It is the anly gas unner normal condeetions that anly haes radioactive isotopes, an is considered a heal hazard due tae its radioactivity an aa. Intense radioactivity haes an aa hindered chemical studies o radon an anly a few compoonds are kent.