Rusyn (Rusyn: русиньска бесїда or русиньскый язык[10]), kent in Ingles as Ruthene (sumtimes Ruthenian) forby, is an East Slavic leid spakken by the Rusyns o Eastren Europe. Sum linguists hink hit is hits ain leid,[11] an hit haes its ain ISO 639-3 code; awtho sum Ukrainian scholarts treat hit as a byleid o Ukrainian.[12]
↑Alternative names are used in different Ruthenian areas, like руска бешеда, rusinščina or even język łemkowski (in southeastern Poland etc. None of them are more academic than another, due to non-recognition of the language.
↑Bernard Comrie, "Slavic Languages," International Encyclopedia of Linguistics (1992, Oxford, Vol 3, pp. 452-456. Ethnologue, 16th edition
↑George Y. Shevelov, "Ukrainian," The Slavonic Languages (1993, Routledge, pp. 947-998.