Scots Wha Hae is a poem/sang at wis written bi Robert Burns in 1793 tae mimic a speak gien bi Robert the Brus tae his airmy afore the Battle o Bannockburn in 1314. Tho Burns scrived the wirds, the muisic is gey auld (the tuin is Hey Tuttie Tattie that legend hauds wis played by the Scots airmy afore the battle).
The first teetle o the sang wis Robert Bruce's March To Bannockburn - that wis the teetle that it wis first kent unner, tho nou it is mair for ordinar kent as 'Scots Wha Hae'.
Scots Wha Hae is the pairty sang o the Scots National Pairty and is sung efter their conferences ilka year.
Scots Wha Hae is written in whit James Murray caas "Fancy Scotch", that is, Scots written wi English grammar.[1] In his beuk on Scots o the sooth o Scotland he says:
"Scots wha hae" is fancy Scotch - that is, it is juist the English "Scots who have," spelt as Scotch. Barbour wad hae written "Scottis at hes;" Dunbar or Douglas, "Scottis quhilkis hes;" and even Henry Charteris in the end o the saxteent century "Scottis quha hes." The vernacular is aye "Scots at haes," that Burns appearently thocht wis ungrammatical, and tharefore shapit the wirds efter a English model. A lot o the contemporar Scotch is like this: it is Scotch in spellin, English in aathing ither.