Washington, D.C. (pronooncit [ˈwɒʃɪŋtən ˌdiː ˈsiː]), formally the Destrict o Columbie an commonly referrt tae as Washington, or The Destrict, or simply D.C., is the caipital o the Unitit States o Americae, foondit on Julie 16, 1790. Article Ane o the Unitit States Constitution provides for a federal destrict, clear frae the states, tae serve as the permanent naitional caipital. The Ceety o Washington wis oreeginally a separate municipality wi'in the federal territory till an act o Congress in 1871 establisht a single, unifeed municipal govrenment for the hale Destrict. It is for this raison that the ceety, while legally namit the Destrict o Columbie, is kent as Washington, D.C. Namit in honour o George Washington, the ceety skares its name wi the American state o Washington locatit on the kintra's Paceefic coast.
The Destrict is locatit on the north bank o the Potomac River an is surroondit bi the states o Virginia tae the soothwast an Maryland tae the ither sides. The ceety haes a resident population o 599,657; acause o commuters frae the surroondin suburbs, its population rises tae ower ane million durin the wirkweek. The Washington Metropolitan Aurie, o whilk the Destrict is a pairt, haes a population o 5.4 million, the aicht-lairgest metropolitan aurie in the kintra.
The centres o aw three brainches o the federal govrenment o the Unitit States are locatit in the Destrict, as are mony o the naition's moniments an museums. Washington, D.C. is hame tae 174 foreign embassies as weel as the heidquarters o the Warld Bank, the Internaitional Monetary Fund (IMF), the Organisation o American States (OAS), the Inter-American Development Bank, an the Pan American Healt Organisation (PAHO). The heidquarters o ither institutions sic as tred unions, lobbyin groups, an perfaisional associes are locatit in the Destrict forby.
Washington, D.C., is govrenit bi a mayor an a 13-memmer ceety cooncil. Housomiver, the Unitit States Congress haes supreme authority ower the ceety an mey owerturn local laws. Residents o the Destrict tharefore hae less sel-govrenance than residents o the states. The Destrict haes a nane-votin, at-muckle Congressional delegate, but nae senators. D.C. residents coud no vote in presidential elections till the ratification o the Twintie-third Amendment tae the Unitit States Constitution in 1961.