„I posla ih dva po dva pred licem svojim u svaki grad i mjesto kuda namjeravaše sam ići... Idite; evo ja vas šaljem kao jaganjce među vukove“ (Lk 10, 1 i 5).
72 učenika koje je Isus odabrao su ustanovili crkve u raznim gradovima, te se smatraju prvim episkopima.[1] Često su putovali i menjali mesta svojih sedište zbog progona od strane rimskih vladara. Euzebije tvrdi da je učenika bilo još više.[2]
↑Catholic Encyclopedia: Disciple: "The disciples, in this disciples, in this context, are not the crowds of believers who flocked around Christ, but a smaller body of His followers. They are commonly identified with the seventy-two (seventy, according to the received Greek text, although several Greek manuscripts mention seventy-two, as does the Vulgate) referred to (Luke 10:1) as having been chosen by Jesus. The names of these disciples are given in several lists (Chronicon Paschale, and Pseudo-Dorotheus in Migne, P.G., XCII, 521-524; 543-545; 1061-1065); but these lists are unfortunately worthless."