Za ostale Teone (neki su takođe radili u Aleksandriji) videti
Teon (grčki: Θέων - Théon; oko 335 - oko 405. n.e.), grčki[1], ili kako neki tvrde egipatski[2], naučnik i matematičar koji je živeo u rimsko-egipatskoj Aleksandriji.
- ↑ Tihon, Anne, "Theon of Alexandria and Ptolemy's Handy Tables", In Ancient Astronomy and Celestial Divination. Dibner Institute studies in the history of science and technology. Edited by N.M. Swerdlow. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999, p. 357.
G. J. Toomer, "Theon of Alexandria," in Dictionary of Scientific Biography 13: 321-325.
T L Heath, A History of Greek Mathematics (2 Vols.) (Oxford, 1921).
O Neugebauer, A history of ancient mathematical astronomy (New York, 1975).
A Rome, Commentaires de Pappus et de Théon d'Alexandrie sur l'Almageste Tome III. Théon d'Alexandrie (Rome, 1943).
A Tihon (ed.), Le 'Grand commentaire' de Théon d'Alexandrie aux 'Tables faciles' de Ptolémée Livre I (Vatican City, 1985).
A Tihon (ed.), Le 'Grand commentaire' de Théon d'Alexandrie aux 'Tables faciles' de Ptolémée Livre II, III (Vatican City, 1991).
- ↑ George Sarton (1936). "The Unity and Diversity of the Mediterranean World", Osiris 2, p. 406-463 [429, 463].