Aaron Elliott (born September 20, 1968), better known as Aaron Cometbus, is an American drummer, lyricist, self-described "punk anthropologist" and author of punk rock zine Cometbus.
Born in Berkeley, California, Aaron Cometbus began writing zines in 1981 with Jesse Michaels of Operation Ivy, and started his own after Jesse moved to Pennsylvania in October 1981. Aaron became an active participant in the Gilman Street Project and was a founding member of Crimpshrine, a highly influential punk rock band from the East Bay, which also featured Jeff Ott. After Crimpshrine's demise, Aaron formed Pinhead Gunpowder with a handful of people from the East Bay punk scene, including Mike Kirsch, Jason White and Billie Joe Armstrong of Green Day. Aaron has also played in a multitude of short-lived bands that usually only release a seven inch or two before breaking up, some of which include Astrid Oto, Cleveland Bound Death Sentence, Scooby Don't, Shotwell Coho, The Blank Fight, which includes Rymodee of This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb, EFS, Redmond Shooting Stars, Mundt and The Retard Beaters, T. Zatana, Colbom, and Harbinger, which also includes Robert Eggplant, formerly of Blatz, and John Geek of Fleshies. He briefly played drums in SF's anarcho-syndicalist group, Strawman. He has been known to sit behind the This Bike Is A Pipe Bomb kite from time to time.