A flag is a piece of coloured cloth with a special design that is put on a pole as a symbol.
Flags first appeared more than 2000 years ago in China, and in Europe under the Roman Empire. Flags also have meanings, the colors and the shapes they use. For example, the flags of North Macedonia and Japan have a sun in the middle. The red cirle is the red sun and the white background means honesty and purity. [1]
An Ensign is a special type of national flag for use on ships. Different kinds of ships often use different kinds of ensigns. For example, warships use a naval ensign which is usually different from the ensigns used by other ships.
A Rank Flag is used by the head of state, as well as by a senior officer of the navy, army or air force, to show where he or she is.
In the past, soldiers carried beautiful flags to war. Today these ceremonial flags are used only at militaryparades.
A Signal Flag is a flag used by ships to send messages to other ships or to people on land. Every ship keeps many different signal flags for use in different situations. Signal flags are also used for racing.