Hebephilia means when grown-ups feel strong and ongoing sexual attraction to children who are starting to go through changes in their bodies (puberty).[1] These children are usually between 11 and 14 years old, and their bodies are growing but not fully developed.[2] Hebephilia is different from pedophilia, which is a sexual attraction to younger children who have not started puberty, and different from ephebophilia, which is an attraction to older teenagers aged 15 to 18.[3][4]
The ages for hebephilia are not exact because puberty starts and ends at different times for different children.[1] Most girls begin puberty around age 10 or 11, and most boys start around 11 or 12.[5] Because of this, some definitions mix the ages of pedophilia, hebephilia, and ephebophilia.[2] For example, some medical guides, like the DSM-5, say prepubescent ages can go up to 13, and others, like the ICD-10, include early puberty in the meaning of pedophilia.[1]
Some experts believe it is important to separate sexual attraction to children before puberty from attraction to children in early or mid-puberty.[2][3] A study led by Ray Blanchard in 2009 showed that men who committed sex crimes could be grouped by the ages of the children they preferred, using a test that measures arousal.[3] Blanchard suggested the DSM-5 should split pedophilia into narrower parts, including hebephilia.[6] However, this idea was debated and not accepted. Many researchers disagree on whether hebephilia should be considered a mental disorder or a type of paraphilia.[1]