Pac-Man, also known as simply Pac, is an arcade video game that was made by Namco and designed by Toru Iwatani. It was released in 1980, and became very popular in the history of games.
In Pac-Man, the player plays as Pac-Man, who is a yellow circle with a triangular cut for his mouth, move around a maze. Enemies in the game are the four ghosts, Blinky, Pinky, Inky and Clyde. The goal is to eat every Pac-Dot while not getting caught by the ghosts. For extra points, fruits that appear can also be eaten. When Pac-Man eats a Pac-Powered Power Pellet, the ghosts turn blue for a short period of time and can be eaten. The time that the ghosts are blue generally decreases from one stage to the next. Beginning at stage 19, the ghosts do not turn blue at all when a power pellet is eaten. Even though the game has 256 stages, the last level has an impassable glitch, which was fixed for later versions of the game.
The player begins the game with 3 lives, and lose one each time Pac-man collides with a ghost. The game ends when all lives are lost. Pac-man gets an extra life once the player gets 10,000 points.
The game is called Puck-Man, or Puck, in Japan. The game was renamed to Pac-Man in the United States so that nobody could change the "P" to "F".[1] There were many sequels and remakes based on the game. Hanna-Barbera made a animated TV show airing on ABC in the early 1980s. The game was also part of Namco Museum games. There is a Namco Museum Remix for the Wii.
Pac-Man was one of the first games to have cutscenes. It has 3 cutscenes in total.[2] Music for Pac-Man was made by Shigeichi Ishimura and Toshio Kai.