Presbyterianism is a kind of Protestant Christianity. It was started in Scotland by John Knox during the 16th century. It became powerful in England during the Civil War. Today there are Presbyterian churches across the world.
Presbyterians (followers of Presbyterianism) believe that the Bible is the most important thing in their church because it was given to humans by God and has no errors in it. They believe that God has control over everything and has chosen to make some people follow Jesus Christ but not others, and that only followers of Jesus may get into heaven. (See Calvinism)
Presbyterian churches may be led by men called Ministers, Rectors or Elders. Some Presbyterian churches have women as elders. "Presbyter" means "elder" and they rule in committees.
There is no overall leader and there are no bishops in the Presbyterian tradition. On Sunday, the Bible, which they consider the 'Word of God', is read and a sermon preached by the minister is at the heart of a morning worship service, which also includes group singings of some worship songs.