Quantum healing is a pseudo-scientific mixture of ideas which claim to draw on quantum mechanics, psychology, philosophy, and neurophysiology. Advocates of quantum healing say that quantum phenomena govern health and wellbeing. Quantum healing is a form of alternative medicine.
Deepak Chopra coined the term "quantum healing" when he published the first edition of his book with that title in 1989.[1][2] His discussions of quantum healing have been characterised as technobabble - "incoherent babbling strewn with scientific terms"[3] which drives those who actually understand physics "crazy"[4] and as "redefining Wrong".[5]
[Chopra]'s the guy behind Ask The Kabala and 'quantum healing', which involves 'healing the bodymind from a quantum level' by a 'shift in the fields of energy information', and which drives crazy people who actually understand physics; his critics accuse him of selling false hope to the sick.