The Urban areas of Sweden are a common English term of the Swedish language-term tätort. The official term in English, used by Statistics Sweden, is however locality. The places can be compared with, for example, the census-designated places in the USA.
The localities of Sweden have at least 200 people lived there.[1] But the concept is statistical, and not defined by any municipal or county borderlines.[2][3] Urban areas referred to as towns (Swedish: stad) for statistical purposes at least 10,000 inhabitants.[4] In 2010 there was 1,956 urban areas in Sweden. They covered 85 % of the Swedish population.[3]
Translation: 'a for the Nordic countries shared statistical definition of built-up area with at least 200 residents, not more than 200 m between each other (without regard to the ward, municipal or county boundaries)'
Definitionen av en tätort är i korthet att den skall bestå av sammanhängande bebyggelse med högst 200 meter mellan husen och ha minst 200 invånare. Ingen hänsyn tas till kommun- eller länsgränser