![]() | This page is a policy on the Simple English Wikipedia. Many people agree with it. They see it as a standard idea that all users should normally follow. When changing this page (except for minor errors like typos), please check that other people agree with your changes. Use the talk page when you are not sure or when you want to suggest a change. |
This page contains the basic rules for using images on the Simple English Wikipedia.
Unlike other Wikipedias, Simple English Wikipedia does not allow images to be uploaded directly to this project. All images used on Simple English Wikipedia should come from "Wikimedia Commons", which is a shared collection of free images. All of the images on the "Commons" web site are free of copyright and can be used anywhere in the world. This supports Simple English's goal of being an easy-to-read, easy-to-translate and free encyclopedia.
If you have images that you would like to put on Wikipedia, you can do that by uploading them to Wikimedia Commons – follow the instructions on Commons:First steps.