This page is a policy on the Simple English Wikipedia. Many people agree with it. They see it as a standard idea that all users should normally follow. When changing this page (except for minor errors like typos), please check that other people agree with your changes. Use the talk page when you are not sure or when you want to suggest a change. |
On Wikipedia, vandalism is when a user makes bad changes to Wikipedia on purpose. They might do any or all of the things listed below. Vandalism is a very bad problem, and people who keep doing it may be blocked from making changes. Test edits, like those made in the sandbox are usually not vandalism. But in some cases, it can be, especially if the content is offensive or attacks other people.
There are two Wikipedias in Modern English; the Simple English Wikipedia and the regular English Wikipedia. Sometimes, vandals from the English Wikipedia will come here to vandalize. Vandalizing from multiple wikis is called cross-wiki vandalism and can lead to being unable to log into the account (basically blocking them from editing) on all Wikimedia websites. This is known as a global lock. Stewards (a type of user with high privileges across all Wikimedia websites) have the ability to apply these global locks.