Osebni podatki | |
Rojstvo | |
Smrt | |
Podpis |
To infopolje je namenjeno prikazu informacij o (zaenkrat) krščanskemu voditelju. Ta predloga se lahko uporabi za papeže, koptske papeže, protipapeže in kardinale, glej tipske parametre (parameter type) v poglavju spodaj.
{{{honorific-prefix}}} {{{name}}} {{{honorific-suffix}}} | |
{{{title}}} | |
{{{image}}} {{{caption}}} | |
Domače ime | {{{native_name}}} |
Cerkev | {{{church}}} |
Nadškofija | {{{archdiocese}}} |
Provinca | {{{province}}} |
Metropolija | {{{metropolis}}} |
Škofija | {{{diocese}}} |
Sedež | {{{see}}} |
Izvoljen | {{{elected}}} ali {{{appointed}}} |
Obdobje službovanja | {{{term}}} ali {{{term_start}}} / {{{term_end}}} |
Odstopil | {{{quashed}}} ali {{{retired}}} |
Predhodnik | {{{predecessor}}} |
Naslednik | {{{successor}}} |
Nasprotnik | {{{opposed}}} |
Drugi položaji | {{{other_post}}} |
Redovi | |
Duhovniško posvečenje | {{{ordination}}} posvečevalec {{{ordained_by}}} |
Škofovsko posvečenje | {{{consecration}}} posvečevalec {{{consecrated_by}}} |
Povzdignjen v kardinala | {{{cardinal}}} imenoval {{{created_cardinal_by}}} |
Položaj | {{{rank}}} |
Osebni podatki | |
Rojstvo | {{{birth_name}}} {{{birth_date}}} {{{birth_place}}} |
Smrt | {{{death_date}}} {{{death_place}}} |
Pokopan | {{{buried}}} ali {{{tomb}}} {{{resting_place_coordinates}}} |
Narodnost | {{{nationality}}} |
Vera | {{{religion}}} |
Kraj bivanja | {{{residence}}} |
Starši | {{{parents}}} |
Soproga | {{{spouse}}} ali {{{partner}}} |
Otroci | {{{children}}} |
Poklic | {{{profession}}} ali {{{previous_post}}} |
Izobrazba | {{{education}}} |
Alma mater | {{{alma_mater}}} |
Podpis | |
Insignije | |
[[Slika:{{{coat_of_arms}}}|200px|center|Grb osebe Infopolje Verski voditelj|alt={{{coat_of_arms_alt}}}]] | |
Svetništvo | |
God | {{{feast_day}}} |
Svetnik v | {{{venerated}}} |
Svetniški naziv | {{{saint_title}}} |
Beatifikacija | {{{beatified_date}}} {{{beatified_place}}} razglašalec {{{beatified_by}}} |
Kanonizacija | {{{canonized_date}}} {{{canonized_place}}} razglašalec {{{canonized_by}}} |
Atributi | {{{attributes}}} |
Zavetnik | {{{patronage}}} |
Svetišča | {{{shrine}}} |
Češčenje prepovedano | {{{suppressed_date}}} |
{{{module}}} | |
[[Papež {{{other}}}|Drugi papeži z imenom {{{other}}}]] |
{{Infopolje Verski voditelj | type = | honorific-prefix = | name = | honorific-suffix = | title = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | native_name = | native_name_lang = | church = | archdiocese = | province = | metropolis = | diocese = | see = | elected = | appointed = | term = | term_start = | term_end = | retired = | quashed = | predecessor = | successor = | opposed = | other_post = <!---------- Redovi ----------> | ordination = | ordained_by = | consecration = | consecrated_by = | cardinal = | created_cardinal_by = | rank = <!---------- Osebni podatki ----------> | birth_name = | birth_date = <!-- {{Birth date|YYYY|MM|DD}} --> | birth_place = <!-- mesto, administrativna regija, država (kot [[Preloga:Infopolje Oseba]]) --> | death_date = <!-- {{Death date and age|YYYY|MM|DD|YYYY|MM|DD}} (death date then birth date) --> | death_place = <!-- kot birth_place --> | buried = | tomb = | resting_place_coordinates = | nationality = | religion = | residence = | parents = | partner = | spouse = | children = | occupation = | previous_post = | profession = | education = | alma_mater = | motto = | signature = | signature_alt = | coat_of_arms = | coat_of_arms_alt = <!---------- Svetništvo ----------> | feast_day = | venerated = | saint_title = | beatified_date = | beatified_place = | beatified_by = | canonized_date = | canonized_place = | canonized_by = | attributes = | patronage = | shrine = | suppressed_date = <!---------- Drugo ----------> | module = | other = }}
Infopolje se lahko doda s kopiranjem zgornje predloge v članek. Nato izpolnite ustrezna polja. Neizpolnjena ali izpuščena polja ne bodo prikazana. Tipski parameter (parameter type) lahko izpustite ali pa ga nastavite na sledeče vrednosti: Pope
oz. Papež
, Cardinal
oz. kardinal
, Antipope
oz. Protipapež
ali Coptic Pope
oz. Koptski papež
. Za več podrobnosti glej tipske parametre (parameter type) v poglavju spodaj.
{{{honorific-prefix}}} {{{name}}} {{{honorific-suffix}}} | |
{{{title}}} | |
{{{image}}} {{{caption}}} | |
Cerkev | {{{church}}} |
Nadškofija | {{{archdiocese}}} |
Provinca | {{{province}}} |
Metropolija | {{{metropolis}}} |
Škofija | {{{diocese}}} |
Sedež | {{{see}}} |
Začetek papeževanja | {{{term_start}}} |
Konec papeževanja | {{{term_end}}} |
Predhodnik | {{{predecessor}}} |
Naslednik | {{{successor}}} |
Nasprotnik | {{{opposed}}} |
Drugi položaji | {{{other_post}}} |
Redovi | |
Duhovniško posvečenje | {{{ordination}}} |
Škofovsko posvečenje | {{{consecration}}} |
Povzdignjen v kardinala | {{{cardinal}}} imenoval {{{created_cardinal_by}}} |
Položaj | {{{rank}}} |
Osebni podatki | |
Rojstvo | {{{birth_name}}} {{{birth_date}}} {{{birth_place}}} |
Smrt | {{{death_date}}} {{{death_place}}} |
Pokopan | {{{buried}}} {{{resting_place_coordinates}}} |
Narodnost | {{{nationality}}} |
Vera | {{{religion}}} |
Kraj bivanja | {{{residence}}} |
Starši | {{{parents}}} |
Soproga | {{{spouse}}} or {{{partner}}} |
Otroci | {{{children}}} |
Poklic | {{{profession}}} or {{{previous_post}}} |
Alma mater | {{{alma_mater}}} |
Podpis | |
Insignije | |
[[Slika:{{{coat_of_arms}}}|200px|center|Grb osebe Infopolje Verski voditelj|alt={{{coat_of_arms_alt}}}]] | |
Svetništvo | |
God | {{{feast_day}}} |
Svetnik v | {{{venerated}}} |
Svetniški naziv | {{{saint_title}}} |
Beatifikacija | {{{beatified_date}}} {{{beatified_place}}} razglašalec {{{beatified_by}}} |
Kanonizacija | {{{canonized_date}}} {{{canonized_place}}} razglašalec {{{canonized_by}}} |
Atributi | {{{attributes}}} |
Zavetnik | {{{patronage}}} |
Svetišča | {{{shrine}}} |
Češčenje prepovedano | {{{suppressed_date}}} |
[[Papež {{{other}}}|Drugi papeži z imenom {{{other}}}]] |
Za papeže, kardinale, protipapeže in koptske papeže dodaj parameter |type=
{{Infopolje Verski voditelj | type = Pope <!-- ali Cardinal ali Antipope ali Coptic Pope --> | honorific-prefix = | name = | honorific-suffix = | title = | image = | image_size = | alt = | caption = | church = | archdiocese = | province = | metropolis = | diocese = | see = | term_start = | term_end = | predecessor = | successor = | opposed = | other_post = <!---------- Redovi ----------> | ordination = | consecration = | cardinal = | created_cardinal_by = <!---------- Osebni podatki ----------> | birth_name = | birth_date = | birth_place = | death_date = | death_place = | buried = | nationality = | religion = | residence = | parents = | spouse = <!-- ali | partner = --> | children = | occupation = | profession = <!-- ali | previous_post = --> | previous_post = | alma_mater = | motto = | signature = | signature_alt = | coat_of_arms = | coat_of_arms_alt = <!---------- Stanje svetosti ----------> | feast_day = | venerated = | saint_title = | beatified_date = | beatified_place = | beatified_by = | canonized_date = | canonized_place = | canonized_by = | attributes = | patronage = | shrine = | suppressed_date = <!---------- Drugo ----------> | other = }}
koordinate groba ali podobno; če je lokacija točno znana. Uporabi {{Koord}} z |display=inline,title
Podatki v Wikipodatke vnašajo uporabniki in boti. Nekateri boti podatke pridobijo iz Wikipedijinih infopolj, kategorij in člankov. Vsak članek (»item« v terminologiji Wikipodatkov) ima ustrezno stran v Wikipodatkih, kjer se nahajajo podatki. Nekateri boti dodajo »imported from _ Wikipedia« kot obvestilo o izvoru informacije. Ko se podatki prenašajo iz Wikipedije v Wikidata se le-ti ne spremenijo. Pri razvoju baze Wikipodatkov pomagajo izkušenejši Wikipedisti iz različnih projektov.
V določenih infopoljih se že uporabljajo podatki iz Wikipodatkov. Za katere podatke gre so na voljo informacije v samem infopolju. Podatki se zajemajo iz Wikipodatkov le v primeru, ko določeni parameter nima že vnesene lokalne vrednosti.
Zatorej, vedno imajo prednost lokalni podatki, ki so vneseni v parametre infopolj.
Vsak članek (objekt) ima na levi strani v menuju Orodja -> Objekt Wikipodatki možnost urejanja lastnih Wikipodatkov. Točno kako je tam treba izpolniti podatke si je najbolje ogledati kar na primeru Josip Plemelj v Wikidata.
Koda HTML, ki jo producira ta predloga, vključuje mikroformat hCard, ki omogoča računalnikom, da razčlenijo subjektove podatke. Ta proces je bodisi samodejen, za katalogiziranje člankov v Wikipediji, bodisi na ročno zahtevo bralca s pomočjo orodja v brskalniku, ki na primer doda osebo v adresar.
Parametri o dnevu rojstva ("bday") bodo vključeni v mikroformatu samo, če bo infopolje vsebovalo predlogo {{Datum rojstva}} ali {{Datum rojstva in starost}}.
hCard uporablja naslednje razrede HTML:
Prosimo, ne preimenujte ali odstranite teh razredov.
TemplateData za Infopolje Verski voditelj
This template may be used to summarize information about a particular Christian leader, usually at the top of an article.
Parameter | Opis | Vrsta | Stanje | |
Type | type | Type of leader (Pope, Cardinal, Antipope, or Coptic Pope). If the leader is none of these, leave blank to default to Bishop. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Honorific Prefix | honorific-prefix | Honorific prefix | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Name | name | Name | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Honorific Suffix | honorific-suffix | Honorific suffix | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Title | title archbishop_of bishop_of patriarch_of | Title of leader | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Image | image | The name of an image of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Image Size | image_size imagesize | Size of the image (e.g. 250px) | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Alt Text for Image | alt | Alt text for image of leader | Niz | neobvezno |
Image Caption | caption | Caption for image | Niz | neobvezno |
Native Name | native_name | Leader's name in his/her native language | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Native Name Language | native_name_lang | Language of the Leader's native name | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Church | church | Church the leader is a member of. | Niz | neobvezno |
Archdiocese | archdiocese | The archdiocese of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Province | province | Province of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Metropolis | metropolis | Metropolis of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Diocese | diocese | Diocese of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
See | see | See of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Appointed | appointed | Date the leader was appointed. Fields "Elected" and "Appointed" are mutually exclusive. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Elected | elected | Date the leader was elected. Fields "Elected" and "Appointed" are mutually exclusive. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Term | term | Term of the leader. The field "Term" (which gives "In Office") is an alternative to "Enthroned"/"Reign Start Date"/"Term Start Date" and it disables "Ended"/"Term End Date". It can be used to show in one line the description of the period (e.g. 1466–1471 ). It can be also used to list multiple terms, separated by a new-line (e.g. 1466–1471<br>1488–1490 ). | Niz | neobvezno |
Enthroned | enthroned | Date enthroned. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Reign Start Date | began | Reign start date. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Term Start | term_start | Term start date. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Quash Date | quashed | Date the leader was quashed. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Reign End Date | ended | Reign end date. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Term End Date | term_end | Reign end date. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Predecessor | predecessor | The leader's predecessor. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Successor | successor | The leader's successor. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Opposed | opposed | What the leader was opposed to. | Niz | neobvezno |
Other Posts | other_post | Other posts of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Ordination | ordination | Date of ordination of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Ordained by | ordained_by | Person who ordained the leader | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Consecration | consecration | Date of consecration of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Consecrated by | consecrated_by | Person who consecrated the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Cardinal | cardinal | Date when the leader became a cardinal. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Rank | rank | Rank of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Created Cardinal by | created_cardinal_by | The person who made the leader a cardinal. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Birth Name | birth_name | Birth name of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Birth Date | birth_date | Birth date of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Birth Place | birth_place | Birth place of the leader. (City, administrative region, sovereign state per [[Template:Infobox person]]) | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Death Date | death_date | Death date of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Death place | death_place | Death place of the leader. (City, administrative region, sovereign state per [[Template:Infobox person]]) | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Buried | buried tomb | Where the leader is buried. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Nationality | nationality | Nationality of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Religion | religion | Religion of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Residence | residence | Residence of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Parents | parents | Parents of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Spouse | spouse partner | Spouse/partner of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Children | children | Children of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Occupation | occupation | Occupation of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Previous Post(s) | previous_post | The previous post(s) of the leader. The fields "Profession" and "Previous Post" are mutually exclusive. | Niz | neobvezno |
Profession(s) | profession | Profession(s) of the leader. The fields "Profession" and "Previous Post" are mutually exclusive. | Niz | neobvezno |
Alma mater | alma_mater | Alma mater of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Signature | signature | Name of an image file of the leader's signature. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Coat of Arms | coat_of_arms | Name of an image of the leader's coat of arms. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Motto | motto | Motto of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Resting Place Coordinates | resting_place_coordinates | Coordinates of grave or similar; if known precisely. Use {{Coord}} with |display=inline,title | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Education | education | Education of the leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Alt Text of Signature | signature_alt | Alt text of the signature image. | Niz | neobvezno |
Alt Text of Coat of Arms | coat_of_arms_alt | Alt text for the coat of arms image. | Niz | neobvezno |
Feast Day | feast_day | Feast day of the leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Date Venerated | venerated | Date this leader is venerated. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Saint Title | saint_title | The saint title of this leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Date of Beatification | beatified_date | Date of beatification. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Place of Beatification | beatified_place | Place of beatification. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Beatified by | beatified_by | Person who beatified this leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Date of Canonization | canonized_date | Date of canonization. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Place of Canonization | canonized_place | Place of canonization. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Canonized by | canonized_by | Person who canonized this leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Attributes | attributes | Attributes of this leader. | Niz | neobvezno |
Patronage | patronage | Patronage of this leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Shrine | shrine | Shrine of this leader. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Date of Cult Suppression | suppressed_date | Date this saint's cult was suppressed. | Vrstica | neobvezno |
Other Popes | other | Base name of this pope (without the numeral or any prefixes) to link to other popes with the same base name e.g. Gregory. | Vrstica | neobvezno |