Kor ilaa midig iyo bidix: Farasmagaalka Kolumbus, Barxada Caasimada, Haalka Jaamacada (Ohio State University), Waqooyiga Magaalada, Badhtanyare, xarunta Santa Maria
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Kolumbus, Columbus (/lʌmbəs/; kə-LUM-bəs) waa caasimada iyo magaalo-madaxda gobolkaOhio ee wadanka Maraykanka. Magaaladani waa tan 15aad ee ugu weyn magaalooyinka wadanka Maraykanka,[17] taasi oo leh bulsho dhan 835,957 (tirokoob la sameeyay 2014).[18]
Kolumbus waa xuddunta deegaanada "Kolumbus metropolitan" taasi oo isku xidha ilaa toban degmo;[19][20] waxaana ku dhaqan dad tiradoodu gaadhayso 2,370,839 taasi oo ka dhigeysa Kolumbus deegaanka labaad ee ugu dadka badan gobolka Ohio,[20] iyo mida afaraad ee ugu shacabka badan wadanka Maraykanka.[13][21]
Maabka deegaanka Kolumbus
Kolumbus waa fadhiga dowlada degmada Franklin.[22]
Magaalada Kolumbus waxay leedahay dhaqaale aad u sareeya kaasi oo ku tiirsan waxbarashada, bankiyada, dalxiiska, soo saarka cuntada, wershadaha fudud, sameyska dharka, caymiska, teknoolojiyada sida internetka, xayaysiiska iyo iidhehda, fayshanka, soo saarida birta iyo laxaamada, cilmibaadhistacaafimaadka, dhakhtarada iyo waxyaabo kale oo badan. Sidoo kale magaaladan waxay saldhig u tahay mahcadka Battelle Memorial oo ah midka ugu weyn dunida ee sameeya iyo soo saara iskudarka kimikada aduunka, xarunta NetJets oo iyadna ah shirkada ugu weyn aduunyada ee samaysa qeybaha iyo xubnaha diyaaradaha dheereeya ee lo yaqaano "Jets"ka. Waxaa intaas dheer, Kolumbus Ohio waa xarunta sare ee shirkadaha waaweyn ee "Fortune500" taasi ooy hoosgalaan Shirkada Caymiska ee Mutual, Amerikan Electric Power, L-Brands, Big Lots, Cardinal Health iyo kuwo kale.[23]
Dhismayasha qadiimiga ah ee magaalada Kolumbus
Sidoo kale, Kolumbus Ohio waxay xarun sare u tahay shirkada cuntada degdega ah ee Wendy's, White Castle iyo kuwo kale. Sanadkii 2012ka, waxaa Kolumbus lagu magacaabay ineey ka mid tahay 50-ka magaalo ee ugu wanaagsan wadanka Maraykanka, marka laga hadlayo dhaqaalaha, amaanka, adeega dowlada, shaqooyinka iyo wixii la hal maala.[24]
Sidoo kale, sanadkii 2013ka waxaa Kolumbus loo aqoonsaday inay ka mid tahay 10ka magaalo ee ugu ganacsiga fiican wadanka ayadoo la sheegay in qorshaha dowlad degmadaasi taageerto koritaanka iyo hanaqaadka ganacsiga yaryar iyo kan kaleba.[25][26][27][28][29][30].[31]
↑"Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 29 November 2014. Soo qaatay June 21, 2010.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
↑"Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original Bisha Todobaad 18, 2011. Soo qaatay June 21, 2010.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin); Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda: |archive-date= (caawin)
↑"Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original January 7, 2019. Soo qaatay June 21, 2010.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
↑"Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original Bisha Shanaad 14, 2011. Soo qaatay June 21, 2010.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin); Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda: |archive-date= (caawin)
↑Sources for the nickname "Cowtown" include: National Geographic Magazine, March 1998, America's First Highway, pp. 82–99 (By William R. Newcott – National Geographic (magazine)|National Geographic Senior Staff); The Cincinnati Enquirer, February 19, 2008: "Columbus Strives To Build A Big City Reputation" pp. B2 (By Julie Carr Smyth – The Associated Press); The Columbus Dispatch, November 21, 2010: "Despite its attributes, Columbus lacks a catchy moniker" pp. E1-2 (By Joe Blundo); The Columbus Dispatch, August 23, 2011: "She's no longer in Cowtown" People in the News pp. D6 (By Colleen Wright); The Columbus Dispatch, June 1, 1997: "Simply Bovine! Here's a moo-vable feast of cowtown facts and fancies" pp. J1,2 (By Joe Blundo); The Columbus Dispatch, May 11, 1997: "Many feel moved to boo, moo after arena issue loses" pp. 3F (By George Strode); The Columbus Dispatch, September 5, 1998: "So To Speak – Civic self-esteem? We'll let you know after football season" pp. D1 (By Joe Blundo); The Columbus Dispatch, June 30, 1988: "City sleeps, Ocean rocks" (By Steve Wright – Dispatch Popular Music Critic); Columbus Alive, February 2, 2012: "City: Cow-town image lives on at airport" (By John Ross); Columbus Dispatch, February 14, 2012: "People, places make for one great city" pp. A1,7 (By Jeb Phillips); Vinyl Ecstasy – The Second Q-FM-96 Hometown Album – LP Liner Notes 1980 (By Steve Runner – Program Director Q-FM-96); The Columbus Dispatch, April 16, 2006: "Some don't like OSU's new jerseys; others just don't like those who don't" pp. E3 (By Ray Stein); The Columbus Dispatch, June 9, 1989: "Lowly image doesn't seem to bother us" pp. F1 (By Mike Harden); The Columbus Dispatch, March 25, 1994: "Amphitheater without alcohol will draw drugs" pp. A8 (By Jack McEowen); The Columbus Dispatch, March 12, 1994: "Columbus could support sports arena, NHL team" pp. A7 (By Randy Campbell);The Columbus Dispatch, April 7, 2013: "Elite Eight appearance not enough for some Matta critics" pp. C3 (By Ray Stein/J.T. Fermenti);The Columbus Dispatch, July 25, 1989: "Use of cowbells at stadium promotes the cowtown image" pp. 8A (By Lawrence S. O'Connor);The Columbus Dispatch, December 22, 2013: "Checking In - olumbus should have a cow for new year" pp. G1,6 (By Cindy Decker) and The Columbus Dispatc, April 6, 2014: "Blue Jackets' big win warranted bigger presence" pp.C3 (By Ray Stein)
↑Gapp, Paul (March 29, 1980). pp. 1, 10–11.Maqan ama ebar |title= (caawin)
↑The Columbus Dispatch, May 11, 1986: "Progress, growth are not in 'Hicksville' dictionary" pp.B2 (By Bob Young)
↑The Columbus Dispatch, April 26, 1986: "Bigger is not always better, growth not always progress" pp. 10A (By Brenda Petruzzella)
↑"Nuqul Archive". Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original Bisha Saddexaad 5, 2014. Soo qaatay February 28, 2014.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin); Hubi qiimaynta taariikhda: |archive-date= (caawin)
↑Population in Metropolitan and Micropolitan Statistical Areas Ranked by 2000 Population for the United States and Puerto Rico: 1990 and 2000 (pdf). U.S. Census Bureau. December 30, 2003. Retrieved on 2007-11-20 from http://www.census.gov/population/cen2000/phc-t29/tab03a.pdf.
↑"Nuqul Archive". National Association of Counties. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original June 16, 2008. Soo qaatay April 13, 2010.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)
↑"Nuqul Archive". Images.businessweek.com. Waxaa laga kaydiyay the original 2015-01-27. Soo qaatay March 15, 2013.Barameter aan la aqoon |ciwaan= ignored (caawin)