Kuq: tri monarkitë që përbëjnë Skanndinavinë sipas teorive më të përkrahura; Portokalli: zgjerimi i mundshëm i përdorimit; Verdhë: zgjerimi maksimal që e bën Skandinavinë sinonim për Vendet Nordike.
^"Scandinavia". The Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary (në anglisht). 2008. Marrë më 2008-01-09. Scandinavia: Denmark, Norway, Sweden — sometimes also considered to include Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, & Finland.
^Saetre, Elvind (2007-10-01). "Facts about the Nordic Region and Nordic Co-operation" (në anglisht). Nordic Council of Ministers & Nordic Council. Arkivuar nga origjinali më 10 qershor 2008. Marrë më 2008-01-09. The Nordic countries consist of Denmark, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, Finland, Åland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
^E.D. Jr. Hirsch; Joseph F. Kett; James Trefil (2002). "Scandinavia". The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy (në anglisht) (bot. Third). Marrë më 2007-01-31. The region in northern Europe containing Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and the peninsulas they occupy. Through cultural, historical, and political associations, Finland and Iceland are often considered part of Scandinavia.
^"Scandinavia" (2005). The New Oxford American Dictionary, Second Edition. Ed. Erin McKean. Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-517077-6: "a cultural region consisting of the countries of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark and sometimes also of Iceland, Finland, and the Faroe Islands".
^ScandinaviaArkivuar 20 qershor 2008 tek Wayback Machine (2001). The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. Retrieved January 31, 2007: "Scandinavia, region of N Europe. It consists of the kingdoms of Sweden, Norway, and Denmark; Finland and Iceland are usually considered part of Scandinavia."