

Aktor ὑποκριτής (hypokrites), harti harfiahna nyaéta "jalma anu nafsirkeun";[1] Disawang tina terminologi, aktor (aktris sebutan keur awéwé) nyaéta jalma anu midangkeun salah sahiji karakter atawa sipat (perbawa) jalma séjén dina produksi dramatis atawa komik; sok dipidangkeun ogé dina film, tipi, téater,radio, iklan atawa ogé video musik.[2][3]

Akting (nyandiwara) nyaéta hiji tarékah saurang aktor ngalampahkeun sipat atawa parbawa salah saurang anu arék dipintonkeun ku jalan nginget-nginget émosi atawa réaksi jeung laku lampah dina kahirupana. Akting présentasi ngajujut hubungan aktor jeung anu lalajona, boh dina pamakéan bahasana, pamintonan, gerak gerik atawa tanda-tanda séjén anu mertélakeun yén karakter atawa aktor nyaho yén manéhna keur dilalajoan. Sajeroeun pintonan akting, "aktor usaha sabisa-bisa sangkan anu lalajo percaya kana perbawana; sanajan manéhna api-api" [4]

  1. Hypokrites (related to our word for hypocrite) also means, less often, "to answer" the tragic chorus. See Weimann (1978, 2); see also Csapo and Slater, who offer translations of classical source material using the term hypocrisis (acting) (1994, 257, 265–267).
  2. [1] Archived 2015-09-05 di Wayback Machine Oxforddictionaries, Ditempo 1 Agustus 2015
  3. [2] kbbi.web.id, Ditempo 2 Agustus 2015
  4. Method acting is an approach in which the actor identifies with the portrayed character by recalling emotions or reactions from his or her own life. Presentational acting refers to a relationship between actor and audience, whether by direct address or indirectly by specific use of language, looks, gestures or other signs indicating that the character or actor is aware of the audience's presence. In representational acting."

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