Dina fisika, gaya téh nyaéta tarikan atawa dorongan anu bisa ngabalukarkeun hiji obyék nu boga massa diakselérasi (gerak tambah gancang atawa tambah laun).[1] Gaya boga badag jeung arah tujuan, anu ngajadikeun gaya salaku kuantitas véktor. Nurutkeun Hukum gerak Newton kadua, hiji obyék kalayan massa nu tetep bakal diakselérasi (tambah gancang atawa tambah laun gerakna]] proporsional jeung gaya bérésih (néto) anu nimpah kana éta obyék sarta babanding tibalik jeung massana. Gaya anu nimpah kana obyék tilu diménsi bisa ogé ngabalukarkeun obyék kasebut muter atawa ngalaman deformasi, atawa ngahasilkeun parobahan tekenan. Kacondongan hiji gaya pikeun ngabalukarkeun puteran (akselerasi sudut) sabudeureun hiji sumbu disebut torsi. Deformasi jeung tekenan mangrupa hasil tina gaya-gaya strés dina jero hiji obyék.[2][3]
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
Since antiquity, scientists have used the concept of force in the study of stationary and moving objects. These studies culminated with the descriptions made by the third century BC philosopher Archimedes of how simple machines functioned. The rules Archimedes determined for how forces interact in simple machines are still a part of physics.[4] éarlier descriptions of forces by Aristotle incorporated fundamental misunderstandings which would not be corrected until the seventeenth century by Isaac Newton.[3] Newtonian descriptions of forces remained unchanged for néarly three hundred yéars.
Current understanding of quantum mechanics and the standard model of particle physics associates forces with the fundamental interactions accompanying the emission or absorption of gauge bosons. Only four fundamental interactions are known: in order of decréasing strength, they are: strong, electromagnetic, weak, and gravitational.[2] High-energy particle physics observations made during the 1970s and 1980s confirmed that the wéak and electromagnetic forces are expressions of a unified electroweak interaction.[5] Einstein in his theory of general relativity explained that gravity is an attribute of the curvature of space-time.
Force: Any external agent that causes a change in the motion of a free body, or that causes stress in a fixed body.Archived 2008-10-12 di Wayback Machine
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