
Bandéra Gibraltar Lambang Gibraltar
Nulli Expugnabilis Hosti  (Latin)
"Teu Bisa Dijajah Ku Musuh."1
God Save the Queen (resmi), Gibraltar Anthem (lagu nasional)[1]
Location of Gibraltar
Location of Gibraltar
Lokasi  Gibraltar  (héjo kolot)

– di buana Éropa  (héjo & kulawu kolot)
– di Uni Éropa  (héjo)  —  [Legenda]

Location of Gibraltar
Location of Gibraltar
Peta Gibraltar
Ibu kotaGibraltar
36°8′N 5°21′W
Distrik nu panglobana dicicingan panggedéna
Basa Inggris (resmi), Spanyol, Llanito
Grup étnis  Gibraltarian (katurunan campuran Genoa, Malta, Portugis, jeung Andalusia), nu lian Inggris, Maroko, jeung India
Démonim Gibraltar
Pamaréntah Téritori Peuntas Laut Britania
 -  Pupuhu nagara NM Ratu Elizabeth II
 -  Gubernur Sir David Steel
 -  Mentri Pupuhu Fabian Picardo
Kajadian Kaping 
 -  Dipiboga 4 Agustus 1704[2] 
 -  Dibéré 11 April 1713[3] (Traktat Utrecht
 -  Poé Nasional 10 Séptémber 
 -  Poé Konstitusi 29 Januari 
Asup ka
 Uni Éropa
1 Januari 19732
 -  Total 6,8 km² (ka-229)
2,6 mil² 
 -  Cai (%) 0%
 -  Perkiraan  2009 29.431 (ka-211)
 -  Kapadetan 4.328 /km² (ka-3)
11.320 /mil²
GDP (PPP) Perkiraan 2011
 -  Total £1 Milyar 
 -  Per kapita £27.468 (t/kas)
Mata uang Pound Sterling £3 (GBP)
Zona wanci CET (UTC+1)
 -  Usum panas (DST) CEST (UTC+2)
TLD Internét .gi4
Kode telepon +3505
2 Salaku hiji anggota istiméwa ti Britania Raya.
3 Koin jeung uang sterling dikaluarkeun ku Pamaréntah Gibraltar.
4 Domain .eu ogé dianggo, bareng jeung anggota Uni Éropa nu séjén.
5 Saméméh 10 Pébruari 2007, 9567 ti Spanyol.

Gibraltar mangrupa hiji Téritori peuntas laut Britania nu aya di kiduleun Samenanjung Ibéria. Hiji samenanjung kalawan aréa 6.843 square kilometres (2.642 sq mi), tepung wates jeung Andalusia, Spain di kalér. Batu Gibraltar mangrupa ciri has ti daérah ieu. Dina sukuna nyaéta aréa kota nu padet padumukna, bumi pikeun méh 30.000 urang Gibraltar jeung kabangsaan nu lian.[4]

  1. "Gibraltar: National anthem". CIA World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency. Diakses tanggal 25 September 2011. National anthem: name: "Gibraltar Anthem" . . . note:adopted 1994; serves as a local anthem; as a territory of the United Kingdom, "God Save the Queen" remains official (see United Kingdom)  Archived 12 April 2018 di Wayback Machine
  2. Gibraltar was captured on 24 July 1704, Old Style, and 4 August 1704, New Style
  3. The treaty was signed on 31 March 1713, Old Style, and 11 April 1713, New StylePeace and Friendship Treaty of Utrecht between France and Great Britain
  4. "Abstract of Statistics 2009, Statistics Office of the Government of Gibraltar" (PDF). p. 2Citakan:Inconsistent citations  Archived 2014-12-22 di Wayback Machine The civilian population includes Gibraltarian residents, other British residents (including the wives and families of UK-based servicemen, but not the servicemen themselves) and non-British residents. Visitors and transients are not included. In 2009, this broke down into 23,907 native born, 3,129 UK British, 2,395 Other for a total population of 29,431. On census night there were 31,623 people present in Gibraltar.

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