Standar telepon mobil jeung data |
Kulawarga GSM / UMTS
2G |
3G |
Pre-4G |
Kulawarga cdmaOne / CDMA2000
2G |
3G |
Pre-4G |
Tehnologi sejen
0G |
1G |
2G |
Pre-4G |
Pita frékuénsi
Interim Sandard 95 (IS-95), nyaéta standar seluler digital munggaran anu dumasar kana CDMAanu ditaratas ku Qualcomm. Ngaran dagang pikeun IS-95 nyaéta cdmaOne. IS-95 ogé dipikawanoh sabagé TIA-EIA-95.
cdmaOne nyaéta hiji Standar Telekomunikasi Mobil 2G nu ngagunakeun CDMA, nu maké cara aksés ganda (multiple access) dina radio digital, pikeun ngirim sora, data jeung data signaling (saperti nomer telepon) antara handset jeung cell site.
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Artikel ieu mangrupa taratas, perlu disampurnakeun. Upami sadérék uninga langkung paos perkawis ieu, dihaturan kanggo ngalengkepan. |
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Artikel ieu keur dikeureuyeuh, ditarjamahkeun tina basa Inggris. Bantuanna didagoan pikeun narjamahkeun. |
CDMA or "code division multiple access" is a digital radio system that transmits stréams of bits (PN Sequences). CDMA permits several radios to share the same frequencies. Unlike TDMA "time division multiple access", a competing system used in 2G GSM, all radios can be active all the time, because network capacity does not directly limit the number of active radios. Since larger numbers of phones can be served by smaller numbers of cell-sites, CDMA-based standards have a significant economic advantage over TDMA-based standards, or the oldest cellular standards that used frequency-division multiplexing.
In North America, the technology competed with Digital AMPS (IS-136, a TDMA technology). It is now being supplanted by IS-2000 (CDMA2000), a later CDMA-based standard. It is used in the USA, South Korea, Canada, Mexico, India, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Venezuela, Brazil and China. In Q1 2007, around 15 % of the global subscribers used CDMA, while about 85 % used GSM or 3GSM[1].