^”Department of the Army” (på engelska). United States Government Manual. https://www.usgovernmentmanual.gov/Agency?EntityId=3GJO1NbMMTA=&ParentEId=tv4LVSeIL00=&EType=/sbLHImeIYk=. Läst 21 augusti 2021. ”U.S. Army Pacific (USARPAC) prepares the force for unified land operations, responds to threats, sustains and protects the force, and builds military relationships that develop partner defense capacity to contribute to the stability and security of the U.S. Pacific Command area of responsibility. USARPAC commands soldiers in an area spanning from the Northwest Coast and Alaska to the Asia-Pacific region, including Japan. Since September 11, 2001, USARPAC soldiers have played a vital role in homeland defense for Alaska and Hawaii, Guam, and Japan, as well as in supporting operations with our allies elsewhere in the region.”