↑A marble Latin inscription dating to the 6th century built into the south side of san Lussorio church about 1.5 km from Fordongianus attests to his cult at that date:
"(H)ic effusus est sangu(is) / beatissimi martyris / Luxuri. Celebratur / natale eius XII c(a)l(enda)s S(e)p(tem)b(re)s / renobatu(r) sup temporibus Helia(e) ep(is)c(o)p(i)."
In 599 Gregory the Great should have wrote a letter to Januarius, bishop of Cagliari, referring to a monastery dedicated to saints Gavinus and Luxurius, probably in Cagliari itself, showing the spread of Luxurius' cult across Sardinia. He is the patron saint of several Italian cities.