Robert L. Butler (d. 23 Ocak 1927 –ö. 22 Nisan 2019), Amerikalı hukukçu ve siyasetçi.[1][2]
- ^ April 10, 1960. "Democrats Slug it out in 59th District Race." Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, Ill.). 5.
- ^ Burtis Trees. June 7, 1926. "Carbondale News Briefs: College Girl and Newspaper Writer Marry." The Daily Independent (Murphysboro, Ill.). 6
- ^ Feb. 25, 1963. "Marion to Select Candidates In Primary Election Tuesday." Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, Ill.). 2.
- ^ July 14, 1961. "Lack of Funds Hampers Marion Plan Unit." Southern Illinoisan (Carbondale, Ill.). 3.