ALGOL W,一種程式語言,為ALGOL家族的一份子。它基於尼克勞斯·維爾特與東尼·霍爾在IFIP Working Group 2.1針對ALGOL X所提出的草案而設計,希望能作為ALGOL 60的後繼者[1]。經過小幅度的修改[2],在史丹福大學,尼克勞斯·維爾特利用IBM System/360機器,以PL360實作出第一版的ALGOL W[3]
- ^ Niklaus Wirth & C. A. R Hoare (1966) A contribution to the development of ALGOL. Communications of the ACM, Vol.9, pp. 413–432
- ^ Niklaus Wirth (1966), Additional notes on "A Contribution to the Development of ALGOL", ALGOL Bulletin, Number 24 pp. 13 - 17.
- ^ Stanford Computer Science Department Technical Report CS-TR-68-89 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) (Various documents for Stanford University's 1972 implementation of ALGOL W; this report includes the ALGOL W Language Description.)
- ^ PL360(REVISED) A PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE FOR THE IBM 360. (PDF). [2020-05-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2016-03-04).