呢個模用到Lua語言: |
This is for pocket calculator and pocket computer hardware.
[[File:{{{image}}}|frameless]] {{{caption}}} | |
類型 | {{{type}}} |
生產商 | {{{manufacturer}}} |
出產日期 | {{{introduced}}} |
停產日期 | {{{discontinued}}} |
最新韌體 | {{{latest_firmware}}} |
前代機種 | {{{predecessor}}} |
後繼機種 | {{{successor}}} |
設計公司 | {{{designfirm}}} |
發明日期 | {{{invent-date}}} |
發明者 | {{{invent-name}}} |
價錢 | {{{cost}}} |
計數機 | |
輸入模式 | {{{entry}}} |
精確度 | {{{precision}}} |
螢幕類型 | {{{display_type}}} |
螢幕尺寸 | {{{display_size}}} |
CPU | |
處理器 | {{{processor}}} |
頻率 | {{{frequency}}} |
程式功能 | |
程式語言 | {{{prog_lang}}} |
用戶記憶體 | {{{memory_user}}} |
韌體記憶體 | {{{memory_rom}}} |
擴展記憶體 | {{{memory_extern}}} |
寄存器 | {{{memory_data}}} |
程式長度 | {{{memory_step}}} |
介面 | |
介面標準 | {{{connection}}} |
插口 | {{{ports}}} |
連接到 | {{{conn1}}} 經 下者其一:
{{{conn2}}} 經 下者其一:
其他 | |
電源 | {{{supply}}} |
功率 | {{{power}}} |
重量 | {{{weight}}} |
尺寸 | {{{dimensions}}} |
{{Infobox calculator
| name = Device Name
| image = Image to show in the infobox.
| caption = Caption for the image
| type = Type of Calculator (i.E.:
[[Programmable calculator|Programmable]],
[[Scientific calculator|Scientific]]))
| entry = Entry mode (i.E.:
| invent-date = Date of Invention
| invent-name = Name of Inventor
| conn1 = What the device connects to (range 1-4)
| via1_1 = Possible interface for connection (range 1-9)
| designfirm = Often, but not always, the same as manufacturer
| manufacturer = Common manufacturers of the device
| introduced = Date of introduction
| discontinued = Date of discontinuation
| latest_firmware= Version and/or date of latest firmware
| predecessor = Predecessor
| successor = Successor
| cost = Introductory price
| processor = Type of processor/pic/chip
| prog_lang = Programming language(s)
| frequency = Speed of the processor
| precision = Calculator Precision
| display_type = Display type (i.e.:
[[Dot matrix]],
[[Seven-segment display]],
[[Fourteen-segment display]],
[[Liquid crystal display]],
[[Light-emitting diode]])
| display_size = Size of main Display in pixel or character.
| memory_user = User Memory (in kb)
| memory_rom = Firmware Memory (in kb)
| memory_extern = External Memory (in kb)
| memory_data = Data Memory (in memory register)
| memory_step = Program Memory (in program steps)
| connection = Connection (PCI/PCI-E/USB....)
| ports = Connections on the device, such as PATA, SCSI, SATA...
| supply = Power supply
| power = Power consumption (W/kWh)
| weight = kilogram (kg)
| dimensions = W*D*H (width, depth, and height. Normally in centimetre (cm))
All fields, except 'name' are optional
The numbered attributes mean that there is allowance for multiples. The via
attributes range from via1_1
to via3_9
where the first number corresponds to the appropriate connection number and the second number is the position in that connections 'via' list. For each connection (via_1, via_2, or via_3), there can be up to 9 connectors, via#_1 through via#_9.
上面嘅解係穿透包含咗自Template:Infobox calculator/doc。 (改 | 史) 編者可以響呢個模嘅沙盤 (開 | 鏡)同埋試例 (開)版度試驗佢。 請加個類到個/doc嘅細版度。 呢個模嘅細版。 |