The Penrose tiling is an example of an aperiodic tiling; every tiling it can produce lacks translational symmetry.An aperiodic tiling using a single shape and its reflection, discovered by David Smith
An aperiodic tiling is a non-periodic tiling with the additional property that it does not contain arbitrarily large periodic regions or patches. A set of tile-types (or prototiles) is aperiodic if copies of these tiles can form only non-periodic tilings.
In March 2023, four researchers, David Smith, Joseph Samuel Myers, Craig S. Kaplan, and Chaim Goodman-Strauss, announced the proof that the tile discovered by David Smith is an aperiodic monotile, i.e., a solution to the einstein problem, a problem that seeks the existence of any single shape aperiodic tile.[3] In May 2023 the same authors published a chiral aperiodic monotile with similar but stronger constraints.[4]
Aperiodic tilings serve as mathematical models for quasicrystals, physical solids that were discovered in 1982 by Dan Shechtman[5] who subsequently won the Nobel prize in 2011.[6] However, the specific local structure of these materials is still poorly understood.
Several methods for constructing aperiodic tilings are known.