Simon, son of Boethus from Alexandria,[1] was made a high priest about 25 BCE by Herod the Great, in order that his marriage with Boethus's daughter, Mariamne, might not be regarded as a mésalliance, a marriage with a person thought to be unsuitable or of a lower social position.[2]
Joazar, son of Simon Boethus[3] (4 BCE and before 6 CE), unpopular and an advocate of compliance with the Census of Quirinius[4]
The hatred of the Pharisees toward this high-priestly family is shown by the words of the tannaAbba Saul ben Batnit, who lived about the year 40 CE at Jerusalem.[13] "The house of Boethus" heads the list of the wicked and sinful priestly families enumerated by Abba.