Bravest Warriors is an animated series. Set in the year 3085 onwards, it follows four teenage heroes-for-hire as they warp through the universe to save adorable aliens and their worlds using the power of their emotions.[1] It was created by animator Pendleton Ward, also the creator of Cartoon Network's Adventure Time.[2][3]
On October 20, 2016, a television series was announced that would also serve as a continuation of the web series. The series, which is officially considered the fourth and final season, was produced by Nelvana in Canada, in association with Frederator.[6][7] It started airing on VRV in the United States on December 25, 2017, and Teletoon in Canada on September 3, 2018.[8] A 21-minute documentary was released on December 11, 2017.[9][10][11][12]
As the voice acting for the television series was recorded between Los Angeles, California and Toronto, Ontario, although far from being the first show from using both SAG-AFTRA and ACTRA, it is the first North American animated production to credit both unions due to using more American voice actors over Canadian voice actors.[citation needed]
On December 3, 2019, it was announced that there will be a Catbug spinoff and Pendleton Ward will also be involved with it. However as of November 2023, no updates have been announced.[17]
On January 4, 2023, Genius Brands (now Kartoon Studios) announced that they would sell a 50% stake in the series alongside the Catbug spin-off to Japanese company Toho International, speculating a potential comeback for the series.[18]
The 4th season of Bravest Warriors became available on the official Cartoon Hangover YouTube channel on January 26, 2024.[19]