part of the DOI associated with the publisher. All the publications of the publisher must be free-to read. Once that is done, the xxxx
part can be added to the list under local function build_free_doi_registrants_table(). Also leave a note at User talk:Citation bot.10.xxxx/yyyy
part of the DOI associated with the journal. All the articles associated with that DOI pattern must be free-to read. Once that is done, the xxxx/yyyy
parts can be added to the list under local extended_registrants_t = { with the format ['XXXX'] = {'YYYY'},
. If there are multiple journals with the same DOI prefix, they can be grouped together with the format ['XXXX'] = {'YYYY', 'ZZZZ', '...'},
. Also leave a note at User talk:Citation bot.|chapter=
or |quote=