Degrassi: The Next Generation is a Canadian teen drama television series created by Linda Schuyler and Yan Moore. The series first premiered on CTV on October 14, 2001, and concluded on MTV Canada on August 2, 2015. It is the fourth series set in the fictional Degrassi universe created by Schuyler and Kit Hood in 1979. Like its predecessors, Degrassi: The Next Generation follows a group of students from Degrassi Community School, a fictional school in Toronto, Ontario, and depicts some of the typical and atypical issues and challenges common to teenagers' lives.
The series produced 366 individual episodes; however, because of differing individual episode lengths, and all syndicated episodes being half-an-hour long, 385 produced episodes have aired.
The first twelve seasons of Degrassi: The Next Generation are available on DVD in Region 1, with season one through four also available in Region 4.[1] Episodes are also available digitally: MTV Canada and TeenNick stream episodes on their websites; registered users of the Canadian and US iTunes Stores are able to purchase and download episodes for playback on home computers and certain iPods;[2] episodes are also available for download from Puretracks in Canada. All episodes are available to stream on YouTube in countries outside the U.S. and Canada. The episodes are in a Windows Media 10 file and the purchaser owns them forever, although the episodes can only be burned onto a disc three times and copied to a device three times.[3][4] Additionally, every episode is available on the Xbox Live Marketplace in the US.[5]
In addition to the regular episodes, nine "special episodes" have been produced, which are not part of the Degrassi continuity. They consist of two Halloween-themed episodes and six documentaries following the work of the show's cast in other countries.
A number of episodes have aired out of production order in either Canada or the US. This is a list of Degrassi: The Next Generation episodes by order of production, as they appear on the DVDs. There are also several shorter episodes available on the official Degrassi YouTube channel, known as "Degrassi Minis".