Collection of songs written by Franz Schubert
Schwanengesang (Swan Song), D 957, is a collection of 14 songs written by Franz Schubert at the end of his life and published posthumously:
- Liebesbotschaft (text: Ludwig Rellstab)
- Kriegers Ahnung (Rellstab)
- Frühlingssehnsucht (Rellstab)
- Ständchen (Rellstab)
- Aufenthalt (Rellstab)
- In der Ferne (Rellstab)
- Abschied (Rellstab)
- Der Atlas (Heinrich Heine)
- Ihr Bild (Heine)
- Das Fischermädchen (Heine)
- Die Stadt (Heine)
- Am Meer (Heine)
- Der Doppelgänger (Heine)
- Die Taubenpost (alternative: D 965a) (Johann Gabriel Seidl)
The autograph manuscript of the collection is preserved in the Morgan Library & Museum.[1]